Zone 1 Intensive vegetable garden

Zone 1 Intensive vegetable garden

Intensive vegetable garden – zone 1

Zone 1 – intensive vegetable garden, right in front of the ‘manmane’, our adobe house. We will begin work soon on this to intensify what we already have.

We will include sunken beds – traditional systems of growing mainly greens but with little tweaks to make it more efficient and effective, trellid shades vegetable beds that uses the ‘stacking principle’ with perennials like passion fruit, wing beans, ivy gourds, chow chow, lab lab, growing to provide filtered light for the delicate vegetables below. We have intense suns and gusty winds in the semi arid region of the sub tropics here, therefore some creative strategies at play.

We’ll have raised beds that are double dig and double reach, about 3 feet wide, herb spirals that’ll house most of our culinary herbs, some keyhole beds too, mulch pits to drop all clippings and plant residues to be reused again, small ponds and bird baths to have predators to control anything that goes out of balance, a sink to wash veggies and tools and the water to be reused in some bananas, sugarcane and taro… all being designed at the moment.. The vegetable beds are on a slope, so mini terraced style beds with staggered lengths to prevent erosive runoffs… The south side will be the trellis, to block harsh sunlight and the trellis themselves will have some hardy perrennials as fence/hedge – moringa, curry leaf, sweet leaf, hibiscus, aduthoda, mulberry, glyricidia, sesbania etc.. serving functions of wind and sun barriers, nitrogen fixing, edible fruits and greens, as bird oerches and a living fence hedge..

Here is a small tour of what we already have while we work in our extended zone 1…

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