Your First Vegetable Garden 🌽🍅🍆 Converting a Lawn into a Garden

Your First Vegetable Garden 🌽🍅🍆 Converting a Lawn into a Garden

Complete vegetable garden course – Part 3 of 12 – How to get rid of the grass and create a garden ready for vegetables

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Your First Vegetable Garden 🌽🍅🍆 Converting a Lawn into a Garden
I’ll show you an easy way to get rid of the grass and convert the area into a vegetable garden.

List of Credits:

All slides and videos belong to or are public domain images, except for the following:
Subscribe button by Shamsullah shams khan khiljee:

Sheet mulching, by UC Master Gardeners of Butte County;
Plastic mulch, by KATORISI;,sweet_potato_field,katori-city,japan.JPG
Staked tomatoes by Amanda B:
raised beds by Sten Porse:
sheet mulching with cardboard showing house by mwms1916:
sheet mulching with cardbaord by Natureln:
sheet mulching on a hill by Hayes Valley Farm:

All music public domain or by Kevin Macleod:


  1. AngelMyst on June 8, 2022 at 8:52 pm

    Here’s something everyone needs to consider from now on when you receive blood transfusions. Will you be getting blood transfused from the person who was vaccinated. These new mRNA vaccines that actually change your DNA will the blood you will be getting from a transfusion be from a person who was vaccinated and then that blood mix with your blood and then start to change your DNA

  2. Anne Studley on June 8, 2022 at 9:04 pm

    I used cardboard 3 years ago, and the first year I planted beans, which did great. The next 2 years things didn’t do well at all, even though I kept adding compost. So late last summer I did a soil test, and when I dug down to get the soil, there was a clear delineation between what I had put on top and what was under the original cardboard. Under that layer the soil was loose but very dry. It had tons of minerals but very little nitrogen. So I poked many holes down as deep as I could with a garden fork and planted some arugula, which did well. It showed me what a blockage the cardboard had presented, even 2 years after the fact.

  3. Linda Birmingham on June 8, 2022 at 9:04 pm

    How many inches of soil and compost should be put on top of the newspaper?

  4. Eva Sternak on June 8, 2022 at 9:32 pm

    wouldn’t it be easier to remove the grass and add top soil or mixed soil instead of waiting a month for newspaper to breakdown

  5. Shawn G on June 8, 2022 at 9:34 pm

    I was under the impression sheet mulching wasn’t good for the soil.

  6. Judy McKerrow on June 8, 2022 at 9:39 pm

    Great information thank you💚🙃

  7. Nathan Shapiro on June 8, 2022 at 9:39 pm

    I have a better choice instead of cardboard or even newspaper. I went to a big box store to the paint department. There they have rolls of Kraft paper normally used for disposable masking and/or floor coverings. They are easier to use than newspapers, single thickness, are unbleached, and disintegrate quickly. Just unroll and cut with a scissors and cover with soil, compost, or whatever and start planting!