Vegetable Gardening in Kentucky

Vegetable Gardening in Kentucky

Joanna visits with Kristin Hildabrand, Warren County Extension Agent for Horticulture to talk about vegetable gardening in Kentucky.

When gardeners plant a seed today, they believe in tomorrow. They look forward to watching their plants grow and mature into a big head of cabbage or a juicy red tomato! Gardening can be such a rewarding experience, so take time to garden this month!

No matter the age or skill level, gardeners can always learn more! At the local Extension Office, avid gardeners can pick up a companion guide to help them know and understand more about home vegetable gardening in Kentucky. This guide includes important planting dates for the different vegetable crops, insect and disease control recommendations, as well as specific growing profiles for all the vegetables grown in Kentucky from asparagus to watermelon.
For more information on home vegetable gardening in Kentucky, stop by your local Extension Office and pick up the Home Vegetable Gardening Guide in Kentucky publication, ID-128.

For more information contact and follow us on social media.

Warren County Cooperative Extension Service