Top natives for Bay Area gardens: Stefanie Pruegel

Top natives for Bay Area gardens: Stefanie Pruegel

by Stefanie Pruegel, for the 2021 Bringing Back the Natives Garden Tour

Which California native plants for the garden are the best to support our local wildlife and are also easy to grow, readily available in nurseries, drought tolerant and beautiful? Inspired by Doug Tallamy (“Nature’s Best Hope”, “Bringing Nature Home”) and his take on keystone species, this talk gives an overview of the top plants for the San Francisco Bay Area wildlife garden and some of the butterflies and moths each of them is host to.

Stefanie Pruegel has a large native plant garden in San Leandro. See her garden featured on the 2020 tour:


  1. Storm Light on July 18, 2022 at 10:35 pm

    5:29 There is a picture of goldenrod with a invasive grass in it. I have this same grass everywhere. What is devil of a grass called? Thanks

  2. Joseph D on July 18, 2022 at 10:48 pm

    That was super informative, thank you! I’m slowly adding CA natives to our home and this is a great resource.

  3. Mary Louise on July 18, 2022 at 10:51 pm

    we planted 25 santa cruz 2 inch redwoods seedlings after the 91 fire, now they are over 0 ft tall, montclair next to public path between valley view and doncaster

  4. Jade Thomas on July 18, 2022 at 10:52 pm

    Amazing video. I am about to rent my first house and there is no grass ion the front or back. I have seen a big push for putting native plants instead of grass. This helped so much!