1. unconventional farmer on November 10, 2021 at 12:38 pm

    https://youtu.be/e7YShy1jPK8 I had a great experience with this product.

  2. Sister Spooky on November 10, 2021 at 12:45 pm

    +Burpee Gardens : Thanks for the tutorial. My question is regarding the self-watering system. Do you ever add water to the plants on top? Or, is it only water to be added to the tray/mat?

    I am new to this and want to make sure I am doing this right. I have a lot of new plant varieties I want to try this year, including an ancient watermelon variety. 🙂

  3. SandcastleDreams on November 10, 2021 at 12:45 pm

    If this is anything like your Burpee Seed Starting Greenhouse Kit, I’m warning people to RUN AWAY From it!

    Four days ago….
    I decided to just do one tray at a time. You pour warm water in and wait and wait and wait. After 2 hours, I’ve got what amounts to dog turds in each cell with water in the bottom. Most of it was still rock hard in the middle. So I took a 2 Quart measuring cup and added HOT tap water and put it in the microwave for a couple of minutes. When it was steaming hot, I added the pellets and stirred it up really good and then let it sit for awhile to see if I could get them to expand more.

    I finally ended up having to get a metal spoon and chop the living daylights out of them to break them up because they were still huge chunks in it that were hard as a rock. They would break up if you picked them up and squished them with your fingers, but then you’ve got a bunch of nasty gritty coir on your fingers.

    I finally got it all chopped up, and spooned it into an empty cell tray. Not enough soil there to even fill them halfway full. So, I just dumped the original ones which still hadn’t expanded fully into the 2 quart measuring cup and zapped them. I’ll probably get enough to completely fill one tray by using almost all of the coir from the pellets.

    I still have some seed starting mix…good thing I do! I’ll have to use that in the other tray.

    If I had realized this was Coir rather than PEAT I probably wouldn’t have bought it in the first place because years ago, there were plenty of people having problems with it.

    I got it for the domes. Twice the price of Jiffy, but I was in a hurry and too tired to drive all of the way into town. Big Mistake.

    So, bottom line, I had enough COIR that came with both trays to fill 1 tray plus 2 rows in the other tray. The rest is peat moss seed starting mix I already had.


    So, as of today, the seeds I planted in the tray WITHOUT COIR has seedlings sprouted already. I’m still waiting to see any signs of life from the 100% COIR.

    I planted peppers and lettuce in both trays figuring that if the COIR was as rotten as I’d heard, at least I might get one tray out of it.

  4. LSmith on November 10, 2021 at 1:01 pm

    I started seeding without watching this video, just based on the instruction on the box of the BURPEE greenhouse kit. After a few days, one of the rows started to sprout. It was my first time and it good feeling to see the results. Thank you BURPEE