Purposeful activities for dementia: Alzheimer's Australia VIC

Purposeful activities for dementia: Alzheimer's Australia VIC

This video is a professional development and education resource developed for aged care and dementia care staff and carers as part of a project that recently piloted the Montessori approach in two planned aged care activity groups in Melbourne.

The project was funded by the Commonwealth and Victorian Governments under the Home & Community Care Program (HACC) and was led by Alzheimer’s Australia Vic. Purposeful activities for dementia complements other professional development resources about engaging people with Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias, including the Relate Motivate Appreciate toolkit. Purposeful activities for dementia was developed by Alzheimer’s Australia VIC for families and aged care staff.

Purposeful Activities or Dementia offers practical ways that carers – including activity support workers, personal care attendants and other aged care professionals – can work together to engage people living with dementia in purposeful activities at home and in social groups.

In Chapter 3, viewers are encouraged to offer opportunities for purposeful engagement based on the person’s strengths rather than what the person can no longer do. Self-esteem, identity and dignity are supported through activities in which the person is likely to succeed. Simple ways for assessing strengths are suggested under four categories of ability: sensory, motor, cognitive, and social.

View all videos and download the Purposeful Activities Workbook on the Alzheimer’s Australia website: https://vic.fightdementia.org.au/vic/education-and-consulting/purposeful-activities-for-dementia


  1. jessie zhou on February 25, 2022 at 11:05 pm

    Why need live the place ?those old people can take care self not too old

  2. Wednesday Kennedy on February 25, 2022 at 11:05 pm

    Your workers told me that my Mother was safer in a nursing home than in her own home being cared for by her own daughter. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aJjRgG-6waU

  3. Roseline Grimes on February 25, 2022 at 11:06 pm

    Very educational wish we could do all of this but because of COVID-19 our residents are all in their room. Please Lord let us come back to normal. Thanks for this educational video

  4. Tiffany M. on February 25, 2022 at 11:08 pm

    My dementia client refuses to help with anything because he says it’s MY job to do everything.

  5. adriana Israel on February 25, 2022 at 11:08 pm

    So happy to know of this.thanks

  6. Sharla Seidel on February 25, 2022 at 11:09 pm

    This is such helpful, in depth information about the importance of keeping seniors active and engaged in life. I found this article also provides good information about the importance of finding and maintaining purpose for older adults: https://www.jfscare.org/finding-purpose-in-later-years/

  7. Crinklycrackly Journals DebKeo on February 25, 2022 at 11:09 pm

    Amazing video. We frequently visit my father in law in a long term facility where he is, it is so discouraging and heartbreaking to see everyone parked in front of the television all day and night long. I wish this kind of care and planning was mandatory in all senior’s facilities because every human being needs to be valued and appreciated, even with dimentia. Very well done.

  8. Therese Ward on February 25, 2022 at 11:10 pm

    People with dementia remember how they felt about the contact with others even when they dont remember the words said.

  9. JacquieBarry Lester on February 25, 2022 at 11:11 pm

    This is so wonderful – a lovely center for the clients

  10. Candice Penney on February 25, 2022 at 11:13 pm

    This video was so helpful!

  11. Jan R. on February 25, 2022 at 11:13 pm

    Thank-you so much for this! I am a companion caregiver for an elderly lady. My responsibility is to keep her engaged; this was VERY helpful!

  12. Karen Crain on February 25, 2022 at 11:14 pm

    We are now in February 2021. COVID has caused problems for us. My 73 year old Sister can not go out and do her volunteer work.

  13. MuscovyMaddness on February 25, 2022 at 11:16 pm

    This works in reverse too, regardless of your age or abilities engaging in meaningful activities and social stimulation reduces your likelihood or developing dementia later on in life, there is so much we can learn from older people thankyou for sharing this video 🙂 As someone training in Disability I found this video very informative Disability and Aged Care are very similar and often overlap in many respects in fact there are many older people living with some form of disability, it is very important to promote self esteem and empowerment.

  14. Bianca Bucci on February 25, 2022 at 11:18 pm

    I have decided to make this post or testimony public. My husband was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s ten years ago. I loved my husband very much, and it was heartbreaking to have him develop Alzheimer’s disease, and to stand by and watch him decline in his ability to take care of himself, struggling with day-to-day tasks. It takes away his memory and eventually the ability to do basic tasks. Alzheimer’s doesn’t just affect the person who is diagnosed — it also turns your world as caregiver, upside down if your loved one is grappling with the condition. To be clear, there is no pharmaceutical medicine, no magic pill that have any significant effect on the progressive downhill course of this disease. Not until we use an Herbal Medicine called BRONGEE that put an end to it. He has been well and living his best life. While there may be other different option to look into. Never make your own success path a secret. There should be no shame. Contact Dr. Rohan with dr.rohanronjohn@gmail.com It may also help you too.

  15. Daniela Gonçalves on February 25, 2022 at 11:19 pm

    Happy New Year @nd Thank you so much for share this kind of specific knowledge on Cognitive Training for Elder People with Dementia.
    I’m Portuguese, and I’ve been doing Cognitive Training with People with dementia.
    Since four weeks until now, I’ve been working using Bricks/LEGOS as a Useful Tool, and I’m fascinated with Daily Results on Elder Cognitive Health and Mood.
    When People are Working with Bricks/LEGOS, on a LEGos plataform, they Smile, pay very Atention (focus), and other Cognitive Functions are Improved, Including Working Memory – although here the results are shy, on the four weeks of LEGOS Cognitive Training… But could bring some surprises after Daily work, in some months.
    It’s Incredible see the Benefits on Motor Execution, on Recognition, And Mainly, on Social and Family Interaction!
    LEGOS &Similar Bricks Also Improve Language of Elder People with dementia, being a Great Working Cognitive Tool.
    Thanks for Alzheimer’s Australia educacional videos
    On this last years

  16. Willson Charles on February 25, 2022 at 11:20 pm

    GREETINGS TO YOU ALL. Most Doctors say Herpes Virus do not have a medical cure because the virus is capable of hiding within the human cells, it remains protected from your immune system. Herpes is not a special virus; your immune system has the power to fight it back but because it is able to lay dormant in protected cells, your immune system is unable to remove it from your body. But with strong reactive herbal medication is capable of getting rid of the virus gradually and totally from your body within just 14days without damaging any of your cells. Natural herbs kills the bad cells carrying the herpes virus totally! within just 14 days. I am not a medical doctor but i got cured with a natural herbal prepare by Dr DOHGO. he sent me a herbal medicine which I took according to the way he instructed me to do. After taking the medicine for two weeks i saw a changes on my body, then i called the Dr and told him about it and he said i should go for test. i can’t believe when my result came out it was negative, i was very happy to share this great testimony to the world there is real cure for #herpes you can also contact DR.DOHGO Email: (doctordoho@gmail.com)
    also reach him on WhatsApp with this (+2347062142293

  17. Andrelina Scott on February 25, 2022 at 11:22 pm

    I was diagnosed with ALS (Amyltrophic Lateral Sclerosis) also known as MND (Motor-neuron Disease) or Lou Gehrig’s disease in November of 2012. I was told I had a year to live, no more than two at best. I believed the doctors for only a short time, then decided that dying of ALS was not acceptable. My husband, Williams and I, embarked on a journey to heal. We were introduced to an African herbal medicine doctor whose herbs caused a turn around in my life. I’ve been on these African herbal drugs and i’m doing greatly. no more saliva and now i can use my arms and feet. all thanks to Dr Ehimare the great African Herbal Dr …. If he can do mine, he can help others too.
    info: drehimareherbalremedyhome22@gmailcom or whatsap on +2349027349748
    he can also cure the following disease

  18. Victor Sledge on February 25, 2022 at 11:23 pm

    Thanks so much for this video. I found this article with more tips: https://dakotahomecare.com/activities-for-loved-ones-or-clients-who-have-alzheimers/.

  19. Vivienne Abrahams-Aliveriotis on February 25, 2022 at 11:24 pm

    Extremely informative and useful

  20. mpirilwe Madene on February 25, 2022 at 11:26 pm

    Hi 👋 Everyone

    My Name is mpirilwe madrene, am 32 and i just want to share my story i hope it will help somebody who desperately need help like i was!, It doesn’t matter whether you believe in Spells or not, but it matters if you really  need help !!  first of all i want to Thank salongo muvawala and His team for the powerful spells He did for me, i was about to give up on my life and relationship when i lost my man to another girl 3yrs ago, and he was cheating on me very  much yet i was faithful in our relationship and i got so stressed because we have a child together he changed in such way that he could not even support our child, it was hard for me to meet all needs.

    In my misery and desperacy i sought help from many other spell casters but nothing happened, they promised me results of which i never saw.  and i lost money.  Until when i saw a post on internet, when somebody was sharing her story, and i liked it and said ok, let me try this one more last time.

     I did phone salongo muvawala told him what was happening in my life.He asked me for my names and my boyfriend’s names .and Our age and i did so in fear but i loved my man!  and after we did the spell on phone, i called him

     Friends this is amazing !!  i was shocked and literally collapsed when after 2 days of doing the spell, my lost man for 4 months, who was never communicating even he could not pick my calls or reply my messages i sent, called me crying and he began to apologize to me  that he did a mistake but he loves me and asking me to come back to me and that he wants to be with us, we are his family, me and our child.it was wow !.

     I forgave him and gladly took him in again, and now am happily married with him and our family is doing good, he no longer cheats on me, am so thankful to you salongo muvawala for bringing my hope and life back.

     friends if you are in the same situations as i was, i recommend she has guaranteed results within 48 hours.  he will help you, just follow his instructions well and change your life, and its unbelievable that we did everything online, just on phone because, I am in mbarara

    district and he is in lyantonde.  but it worked because he has powers to help people, who are really in Need!  therefore i share my story so that somebody might get help, .if you need help, do not stress, contact this POWERFUL MAN, am very sure He can help you as he helped me.

    CONTACT HER ON 07045825611 / or +234 704 582 5611

     As am not sure whether am allowed here at viewers choice page to publish the website from where i read about him, at least I managed to copy these particular cases he mentioned he can handle

     (1) If you want your lover to come back and make him / her kneels for your love gain, get him back in less than two hours only, he will love you like he never did before and he will remain under your remote control.

     (2) Do you want to attract a specific man, to madly follow in love with you, I guarantee he will make him follow you like a magnet, you only need to think of whatever you want him to do, and he does it without  any choice, even you never showed him that you love him, nor you are even close to him,

    (3) Do you want to stop him / her from cheating you, talk to him now, he will tune him in your dreams such that you can know everything he / she does at your back like for example all other girls or men he /  she cheats you with.  And stop them never ever to cheat you again.ash

     (5).  Do you want to have many partners without any of the knowing the other, get protected and have freedom of doing everything without others know.  He can do it friends.

    (6) Do you want to divorce, stop divorce or getting married to your lover, one day results with man.


    (7) You want to be promoted in your office.  or have your salary increased, talk to me, one month you will have it all.

    (8) If you want to boost your business, winning tenders or contracts, contact us

     (10) Are things happening to you that you can not explain.

     (11) Do you feel you are stuck in the wilderness in a situation that appears hopeless? You just have to tell this powerful man exactly what u want out of your relationship and he will code it according to your specifications.  You tell him properly the tinniest details of how u want your relationship to be do not fear, and will punch in those codes for u.  He is so cooperative and will work hand in hand with u until when you are satisfied.

    07045825611 or +234 704 582 5611. Thanks once again ✓™

  21. Kath Constance on February 25, 2022 at 11:26 pm


  22. Jordie Hill on February 25, 2022 at 11:27 pm

    Awesome thank you for this info very helpful

  23. Bella L. on February 25, 2022 at 11:27 pm

    Fantastic resource, thank you!

  24. Adrian Vanessa on February 25, 2022 at 11:28 pm

    Having Alzheimer’s disease knocked my mother off her life and had her living like a mad person, I didn’t know how the better part of her life eluded her, my mind was completely splitted in two, She showed a severe decline in her mental and cognitive skills in the last few years and her quality of life had deteriorated greatly in the past 2 years where she was mostly bedridden. I am very glad my partner sought help and now she is free from all signs of psychosis. She was healed through the herbal medicines from Dr. Rohan (BRONGEE). I believe there is no act of kindness that is too small that is why I am sharing this testimony here. If you have anybody who is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease, i will advise you to opt out from western medication and go for BRONGEE herbal medicine. you will have every reason to be happy again just as i am. You can contact Dr.Rohan via dr.rohanronjohn@gmail.com He is well known for his groundbreaking treatments concerning the brain and mind issues..

  25. Iman Kamara on February 25, 2022 at 11:28 pm

    Australians are very racist! You living in a black man country and you will not care for a black person. You are not a caring people but racist. Remove this video…..BLACK LIVES MATTER.

  26. Dementia Ninja on February 25, 2022 at 11:29 pm

    Great and informative video. Thanks for posting..

  27. ケアホームカナンチャンネル on February 25, 2022 at 11:33 pm

    Hello. I am KOICHI BABATA. Nice to meet you! from Japan. I run a nursing care facility in Japan, Yamagata pref. Mainly, my job is to maintain senior’s health, using various music such as HIPHOP, HOUSE, REGGAE and Japanese folk songs. Music activities help the elderly achieve their goals, maintain their body functioning and promote relaxing.. your contents made me a lot of tips on you tube .
    thank you !!

  28. creator on February 25, 2022 at 11:33 pm

    That’s great.

  29. Harry Owen on February 25, 2022 at 11:37 pm

    My mom was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease 7 years ago, almost when all hope was lost due to several failed attempts in making her healthy. My desire to see her permanently free drives me into searching the internet for possible solutions which led me to a video about Alzheimer’s disease on YouTube, I met with a comment on how an herbal doctor used herbs to cured someone of Alzheimer’s Dementia. I collected the herbal doctor’s contact and reached out to him, we talked about it and he asked few questions about her physical challenges which I answered, and then he prepared the herbal medicine and sent them to me here in Tennessee with prescriptions on how to use attached, I ensured my mom took the herbal medicine accordingly and in 3 weeks of using this medication, we began to see improvement in her health and now, I am so glad to share this testimony that after 8 months, my mom is permanently healed of this horrible disease called Alzheimer, and now she is living her best life. Contact Dr. Rohan via dr.rohanronjohn@gmail.com you will come back for your testimony

  30. Harry Owen on February 25, 2022 at 11:40 pm

    My mom was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease 7 years ago, almost when all hope was lost due to several failed attempts in making her healthy. My desire to see her permanently free drives me into searching the internet for possible solutions which led me to a video about Alzheimer’s disease on YouTube, I met with a comment on how an herbal doctor used herbs to cured someone of Alzheimer’s Dementia. I collected the herbal doctor’s contact and reached out to him, we talked about it and he asked few questions about her physical challenges which I answered, and then he prepared the herbal medicine and sent them to me here in Tennessee with prescriptions on how to use attached, I ensured my mom took the herbal medicine accordingly and in 3 weeks of using this medication, we began to see improvement in her health and now, I am so glad to share this testimony that after 8 months, my mom is permanently healed of this horrible disease called Alzheimer, and now she is living her best life. Contact Dr. Rohan via dr.rohanronjohn@gmail.com you will come back for your testimony

  31. Harry Owen on February 25, 2022 at 11:40 pm

    My mom was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease 7 years ago, almost when all hope was lost due to several failed attempts in making her healthy. My desire to see her permanently free drives me into searching the internet for possible solutions which led me to a video about Alzheimer’s disease on YouTube, I met with a comment on how an herbal doctor used herbs to cured someone of Alzheimer’s Dementia. I collected the herbal doctor’s contact and reached out to him, we talked about it and he asked few questions about her physical challenges which I answered, and then he prepared the herbal medicine and sent them to me here in Tennessee with prescriptions on how to use attached, I ensured my mom took the herbal medicine accordingly and in 3 weeks of using this medication, we began to see improvement in her health and now, I am so glad to share this testimony that after 8 months, my mom is permanently healed of this horrible disease called Alzheimer, and now she is living her best life. Contact Dr. Rohan via dr.rohanronjohn@gmail.com you will come back for your testimony.

  32. AHAMMAD ALI on February 25, 2022 at 11:40 pm


  33. Bella Jojo on February 25, 2022 at 11:43 pm

    such an amazing video. Well presented. Thank you for sharing!

  34. joshua meighan on February 25, 2022 at 11:43 pm

    Fantastic video very informative and interesting.

  35. Robert Florence on February 25, 2022 at 11:44 pm

    My mom was diagnosed with mild dementia in 2016 and now she is completely free from dementia with Dr. Rohan’s herbal supplements.. you can reach him via dr.rohanronjohn@gmail.com it may also help you.

  36. Nurul Tea on February 25, 2022 at 11:44 pm

    Muhammad Ali (American Boxing) have alzheimer’s before. That cause hipertensi isn’t?

  37. Rachael Manning on February 25, 2022 at 11:44 pm

    What a wonderful place I would love to work there.

  38. Bianca Bucci on February 25, 2022 at 11:47 pm

    I have decided to make this post or testimony public.. My husband was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s ten years ago but was healed with BRONGEE HERBAL SUPPLEMENTS. Contact Dr. Rohan today with dr.rohanronjohn@gmail.com, It may also help you too..

  39. Wednesday Kennedy on February 25, 2022 at 11:47 pm

    You are a government funded front that did not save my Mother.

  40. Annabel Cadenas on February 25, 2022 at 11:50 pm


  41. Kelly Smith on February 25, 2022 at 11:52 pm

    Thank you for this video:) I’m a new activities director and part of my clients are in the memory care:) This was helpful

  42. R.G. on February 25, 2022 at 11:53 pm

    This is awesome.

  43. Ketsia B. on February 25, 2022 at 11:55 pm

    Thank you so much for this very informative video. I am a therapeutic recreation student and i am starting my internship soon.

  44. Kiley Perry on February 25, 2022 at 11:56 pm

    Utilizing this memory loss treatment “shocking cuno press” (Google it) is enjoyable enough. They are really challenging and I hope using these tips assist in improving my memory and focus. Interesting thing was, the entire family wound up savoring this process. For this reason, I find my memory functions faster..

  45. Lucy Lucy on February 25, 2022 at 11:58 pm

    Very very.useful my home care patients.thank u so much dear

  46. Home Helpers on February 25, 2022 at 11:59 pm

    We really loved this video, here at Home Helpers Home Care. I’ll suggest it to our staff. Thanks.

  47. Right a Wrong on February 25, 2022 at 11:59 pm

    Seems every where I have looked there isn’t and direct gentle targeted physical exercise fir people with more severe dementia?

  48. Christian's Grandma on February 26, 2022 at 12:01 am

    At the last stage, all I can do with mom is push her in the wheelchair outside when its warm. She listens to blues music also.

  49. Shirley Sng on February 26, 2022 at 12:02 am

    Excellent video. Thanks much for sharing. This is an educational and insightful video for carers of aged care-recipients. I hear much of arts and music therapy intervention for patients with dementia. I am excited that we could do with horticultural therapy as well. It is also a good reminder that we must be person-centered when handling the aged care-recipients, and to capitalize on their strengths.

  50. Sandy Koch on February 26, 2022 at 12:03 am

    This is a awesome video,Thank you