Indoor Hydroponic Rack T5 LED Plant Grow Light Spectrum Test – Basil, Shiso, Sorrel & Edible Flowers

Indoor Hydroponic Rack T5 LED Plant Grow Light Spectrum Test – Basil, Shiso, Sorrel & Edible Flowers

Active Grow X Cascadia Greens T5 LED Spectrum Test in a Hydroponic System Growing Basil, Shiso, Sorrel & Edible Flowers

Determine which Active Grow T5 HO LED Lamp light spectrum produces the best growth and physical characteristics for different plant varieties grown using an indoor hydroponic vertical rack system.

Grow 4 identical trays of different plant varieties under 4 different light spectra for 5 weeks. All trays began with plants at similar growth stages and consist of a combination of seedlings and cuttings. All trays use identical growing medium and nutrient mix and are subject to the same light cycle and environmental conditions.

Active Grow LED Lighting
T5 HO 4FT 4-Lamp Fixture (100W)
4 x 25W T5 HO Ballast Bypass LED Lamps
– Rack 1: Sun White Pro Spectrum
– Rack 2: Spring Sun Spectrum
– Rack 3: Sun White Spectrum
– Rack 4: Red Bloom Pro Spectrum
Hanging Height: 12” Above Trays 2 Average PPFD at 12”: 200 – 225 μmol/m /s Light Cycle: 16 hours/day

Growing Equipment
5-Tier Vertical Rack (18”x48”x86”) Hydroponic Trays (24”x48”)
Net Pots with Coco Coir & Perlite Standard Hydroponic Nutrients

Plant Varieties
Genovese Green Basil
Green Shiso
Cardinal Thai Basil
Amethyst & Red Rosie Purple Basil Red Veined Sorrel
Edible Flowers

Learn more about the Active Grow T5 High Output LED Horticultural Fixtures on our website here:

Learn more about the Active Grow LED Horticultural Lamps on our website here:

About Active Grow

Active Grow LLC is a commercial grade horticultural lighting manufacturer based in Seattle, Washington. The company works directly with experienced growers to develop the next generation of horticultural lighting systems that are energy efficient and long-lasting alternatives to HPS, HID and fluorescent grow lamps. Active Grow LED lights feature the latest technological innovations to help growers increase their yields and maximize their production. Follow us on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube for the latest company updates and videos.

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