Humbie Dean, East Lothian, May 2020

Humbie Dean, East Lothian, May 2020

Early May in Frank Kirwan’s garden at Humbie Dean, East Lothian.
About Humbie Dean: A two-acre ornamental and woodland garden sandwiched between two burns at 600 feet with interest throughout a long season. A limited palette of plants with hosta, hellebores, perennial geranium, primula, meconopsis, martagon lilies, spring bulbs, ground cover, herbaceous and shrub planting, bluebell meadow, mature and recent azalea and rhododendron planting. A short woodland walk has been created, only accessible by a series of steps.

The Garden Owner would like Mamie Martin Fund to receive money raised on his open day. Please visit our website:

About Scotland’s Gardens Scheme: Through our garden openings, Scotland’s Gardens Scheme supports over 250 different charities each year. Garden Openers may choose a charity(s) to receive up to 60% of their open day takings. The net remaining 40% of funds raised at our openings is distributed to our beneficiaries: Perennial, Maggie’s and The Queen’s Nursing Institute Scotland.