How to Start an Indoor Garden

How to Start an Indoor Garden

The monotony of working from home can be a lot to take, especially if you’re used to going into an office every day. It’s important to find a daily routine that gets you through the day and keeps you grounded. Many Wirecutter staffers have been working from home full-time for years, and nearly all have personal daily rituals that spark joy. In this series, we are giving our colleagues a call and having them share their favorite rituals for staying sane while working from home. This week we talked to our resident plant expert, Ellen Airhart, who suggests growing an indoor garden as a way to tend to another living thing and beautify your environment.

To see more of Ellen’s adventures in plant parenting, check out her Instagram page, @ellenairplant, and her podcast, Plant Crimes, on Apple Podcast or anywhere you listen.


Chapter 2 of this series:


  1. Newf Guy on November 8, 2021 at 12:17 pm

    the best way to care about sentient living beings is to go vegan

  2. Sun Block on November 8, 2021 at 12:30 pm

    I hate it when people call being an pet owner or plant owner a being ‘parent’. You ain’t parents. You ain’t dealing with nearly enough bullshit to deserve the title.

  3. Fake Name on November 8, 2021 at 12:40 pm

    While there is some debate as to a plants ability to clean pollutants from the air, get some anyway! They have plenty of other benefits as well. I just wish someone would release some inexpensive soil moisture meters that tie into a phone app that has profiles for different species. Other than sunlight issues, I’m sure that over and underwatering kill most plants. By the way you folks made Molekule kinda mad hehehe.

  4. TL on November 8, 2021 at 12:41 pm

    This is useful. Thanks

  5. Happilyblue on November 8, 2021 at 1:15 pm

    Where can I get plants that don’t have to be shipped to my home or to the store from far away?