How to Add a Water Feature to Your Yard | Done-In-A-Weekend Projects: Go With the Flow | YouTube

How to Add a Water Feature to Your Yard | Done-In-A-Weekend Projects: Go With the Flow | YouTube

Water features are a great way to add sound, movement and visual interest to your garden. Doug Scott shows you how to add a water feature to your yard.

Whether you choose a fountain, small pond, or a garden waterfall, you’ll love the style and focus it brings to your property. From a simple patio fountain to dramatic waterfall, get installation tips and ideas to go with the flow.

You maintain and perfect your lawn because living happens outdoors. Get more tips about caring for your yard at Exmark’s Backyard Life.

Want to make the most of your backyard? Get outdoor living ideas at

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1 Comment

  1. Cherry Pepsi on July 14, 2022 at 10:15 pm
