DC Master Gardener – Fall 2021 CE SeriesEpisode 10 – The Work Is In Our Hands

DC Master Gardener – Fall 2021 CE SeriesEpisode 10 – The Work Is In Our Hands

DC Master Gardener – Fall 2021 CE Series
Episode 10 – The Work Is In Our Hands

Date: Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Instructor: Abra Lee

Description: Through determination, enthusiasm, and willpower, Black women overcame ugliness in America to cultivate beauty in the landscape. This is an exciting discussion of their historical legacy, self-expression, and activism in garden clubs.

Bio: Abra Lee is a national speaker, writer, and founder of “Conquer the Soil,” a community dedicated to celebrating the history, art, and culture of horticulture! She has spent a whole lotta time in the dirt as a municipal arborist, extension agent, airport landscape manager, and more. Lee is a graduate of Auburn University College of Agriculture and an alumna of the Longwood Gardens Society of Fellows, a global network of public horticulture professionals.

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