Bosch SmartGrow Indoor Garden – How to set the sleep mode

Bosch SmartGrow Indoor Garden – How to set the sleep mode

After every 16 hours of activity your Bosch SmartGrow will automatically switch off for another 8 hours. If you have your indoor garden very close to where you sleep, you might want to coordinate its clocking to your sleeping time. Watch the video to see how easy it is to match your bedtime with your SmartGrow’s!

Open up the WOW with Bosch SmartGrow:
– Grow fresh greens indoors all year round.
– Grow +50 different herbs, salads, edible flowers, microgreens and fruits
– No additives, no pesticides, 100% natural
– Smart irrigation and lighting for maximum growth

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Bring cutting edge hydroponic technology right to your home with Bosch SmartGrow. No green thumb needed!

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