Best Plants That Look Amazing In Glass Containers

Best Plants That Look Amazing In Glass Containers

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00: 00. Intro
00: 02. Best Plants That Look Amazing In Glass Containers
00: 08. What plants grow well in glass containers?
00: 16. Money Tree Plsnt
00: 21. Golden Pothos
00. 34. Piggyback Plant
00: 42. Peperomia Plant
00: 48. Devil’s Ivy Plant
00: 54. Snake Plant
01: 01. Dracaena Plant
01: 07. Jade Plant
01: 17. Agave Plant
01: 22. Glass Container Gardening Tips

As an apartment dweller, I enjoy having plants around my place. Not only do they make my home feel more alive, but they also help filter the air and clean our water. The best thing about them is that you can grow these plants in a glass container. If you’re looking for something quick and easy to maintain, these are the best plants to try. They’ll fit perfectly on your windowsill or balcony!